Friday, October 31, 2008

Market close week ending 31 October 2008

Hi everyone

No new long signals, a couple of short signals, but that's of no use anyway.

On Monday morning I need to move stops on APN, DUE, GUD, TPI and XDJ.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.


Sunday, October 26, 2008

Market open 27 October 2008

Hi everyone

Just changed my stops as per Friday's post. Still no short selling allowed until sometime in November.


Thursday, October 23, 2008

Market Close Week Ending 24 Oct 08


Got a long signal on BEN but the financial sector is still below its 30WMA.

Got short signals on KCN, IOF and BKN but fat lot of good that does me seeing I'm not allowed to go short. I'm lucky I was already short a large number before the market tumbled.

Did I say lucky? There's no such thing as luck. It's being brave enough to take the opportunites as they arise. Ever heard the saying "fortune favours the brave?"

When the market opens on Monday I'll be moving stops on APN, IVC, NCM and XDJ.

Have a great weekend.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Market open 20 October 2008

Good morning

Moved my stops as per my post on Friday except for TSO. I wasn't allowed to move it because the stop was "too far away". Must be some rule I was unaware of..... So, I exited because if I can't lock in some profits I'll just take what's there! Profit of $500.


Friday, October 17, 2008

Scans week ending 17 October 2008

No new signals this week despite the big falls. Plenty of stocks have reached new lows, but not much volume to it. Wouldn't have been able to short anyway, so no big deal.

On Monday morning I'll be moving stops on AWE, CRG, IVC, RIO, TSO, WES and XDJ.


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Market Open 13 October 2008

Hi everyone

Changed all my stops as per Friday's post.

Got short signals on the following stocks which are all in the energy sector: WOR, WPL, STO, ROC, PDN, and OSH. Given that we can't short sell stocks at the moment I thought I'd be clever and short the energy index XEJ. Unfortunately that's not allowed either.

Doesn't look like I'll be entering any trades any time soon.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Market close week ending 10 Oct 2008

Another bumpy ride of the stock market this week. I was stopped out of ILU on Thursday which is understandable because I was long.

Will be moving stops on APN, AWE, CRG, IVC, MIG, RIO, TPI, TSO, WES and XDJ.

Got first signals to short quite a number of stocks - mostly materials. Given I cant put on any shorts I may actually short the index.

until Monday

Monday, October 6, 2008

Market open 6 Oct 08

Sorry, I only just realised I'd forgotten to post yesterday.

Anyway, not much to report except that I changed my stops as per my previous post. Locking more money in is my favourite thing to do regarding trading.

Stopping short selling certainly hasn't stopped the market falling has it? Maybe everyone is dumping their stocks in the anticipation of buying them back when they've bottomed out because if they stay in them it may take years to recoup their losses.

Either that or they're just plain scared and have no intention of entering the stock market again.

Anyway, I really wouldn't have the faintest idea.... Nor do the experts if you can call the talking heads on TV experts. Just watch the charts and do what the charts tell you.

Most of my trades are shorts so I'm happy for the market to keep on falling.....


Friday, October 3, 2008

Scans for week ending October 3 08

Hope everyone is not spooked by the volatility of the market over the past couple of weeks. You shouldn't be because you have a trading plan and you are sticking to it, arent' you? Trading is not meant to be entertaining, exhilarating, scary or anything. It just is...

If you wanted you could set aside some funds to play around with, but that would be gambling, never mistake that for trading!

Anyway, enough of my waffle.

Surprisingly, I was exited out of WOW due to my stop being hit. I was short, which is why it is surprising.... Anyway, a grand profit of about $60! Beats a loss I guess.

Got short signals on FKP and BHP which will do me no good at all as the ban on short selling is still in place (as far as I know. Will find out for sure Monday.)

Gotta move stops on AWE, CRG, GUD, IVC, RIO, TPI, TSO and WES.

Will post after market open on monday.